Wesley has recently published a book on Amazon. It's entitled "WE ARE ALL THE SAME: Inclusion by Lee Wesley Clark II.
It's an amazing story of inclusion, artful collaborations and friendship. See book trailer above.
Congratulations Wesley!
Inclusion Works Foundation, a 501(c)(3) Educational Pubic Charity was initially inspired by Tanya Williams, a retired NYC police officer, youth advocate and parent of children with learning disabilities and the sister of Kim A. Williams Clark. Kim a New York licensed attorney and higher education administrator, became the parent of “Wesley.” Wesley is a loving, caring and intelligent boy with Down Syndrome (now enrolled in General Education). Early-on, Kim faced many obstacles in identifying caring and welcoming schools for her son Wesley. First, discovering her baby (Wesley) hidden in a basement classroom by his daycare providers and any from his typically developing peers. As a result, she decided to create an environment where no parent would suffer discrimination based on disability. Kim believes that all children should have access to the same quality education, social access and professional opportunities as youth without disabilities. In response, Kim and Wesley formed Inclusion Works!
Please join us in our campaign to Save the Life of A Child Today! Give online or Subscribe by contacting: info@inclusionworksinc.com or click subscribe below.
NY POST - "INCLUSIVE school is plotting to force our boy with Down Syndrome. 2018/01/29 Click Here to Read. https://nypost.com/2018/01/29/inclusive-school-is-plotting-to-force-out-boy-with-down-syndrome-parents/
EDUCATIONPOST.ORG - "What Happens When Even the 'Best' Neighborhood School Treats Its Students With Disabilities Horribly? 2018/03/16 Click Here to Read. http://educationpost.org/what-happens-when-even-the-best-neighborhood-school-treats-its-students-with-disabilities-horribly/
Special THANKS to all the parents, news leaders, community and legislators who stood with WESLEY during our two year battle for Justice. WE fought for Inclusion and WON!
We Support:
- Inclusive Classrooms, inclusive education, special education inclusion (definition) and the overall promotion of IDEA. Specifically, the promotion of Inclusion, Diversity & Educational Activism for parents, students, educators and community - in all settings. Inclusion means "Everyone Matters!"
IDEA Inclusion, Diversity & Educational Activism - Parents Roundtable, Wednesdays from 6;30 -8:30 pm, St Ann School & Holy Trinity, Community Room, 157 Montague Street, Brooklyn, NY and virtually by appointment. Free networking & learning is on us. Be Inclusion Ready! Call us to register for upcoming Parent and Community roundtables. RSVP at: 347-277-7167 or info@inclusionworksinc.com.
We offer direct services for Youth to Include: Handwriting Classes, Inclusive Movement and Tutorials for Children of All Abilities.
We also showcase talent at our events, so give us a call if you have a group of talented youth or adults. Specifically Inclusion Works: serves as a educational and business resource to all parents seeking to identify inclusive friendly schools for youth and identify support services by quality and welcoming providers of occupational, speech and/or physical therapy services.
Upcoming Global Exchange:
- May 5, 2017 - Inclusion Exchange Skype Workshop 8:00 am (USA) / 8:00 pm (China) - An informative exchange on Inclusion, Diversity & Bullying - a global connection between middle school students of Education First, Shenzhen, China and Ditmas Intermediate School 62 ( Law & Social Justice), Brooklyn, NY. Live Podcast.
In April, U.S. Senator Cory Booker's Office awarded a citation of Excellence to the Inclusion Works Foundation on its monumental IDEA Conference held at Montclair State University. It targeted Inclusion, Diversity & Educational Activism. The national conference attracted over 200 participants including parents, educators and community. Co-sponsors and partners included the New Jersey Education Association, Kidville, NJAPE, BEST LLC, NJCIE, SEO, Sensory Kids, Maryland and NYC Public Schools among others.
"For years, the Inclusion Works Foundation has served as a champion for individuals with disabilities. You help parents, educators and community leaders gain the knowledge and skills they need to ensure an inclusive and engaging learning environment for all students! Your work is worthy of the highest recommendation. I look forward to celebrating your continued success."
- Cory A. Booker, U.S. Senator
"I want to take a moment to express my gratitude to you and your board members for the generous scholarship offer for my daughter to attend swimming classes in the YMCA's summer camp.
I want to note that on my way to the camp site on Friday to register our baby girl (with special needs) at the YMCA, she said, "Mommy I want to swim!" How she connected the gym to swimming I'm not sure, but it was confirmation that this is where she needs to be.
Again I thank you Kim for your time, expert advice, and dedication to the mission of "Inclusion Works." Your team is making huge strides - one child at a time. I feel honored to know you and the works of your organization."
- Catherine B., Parent Leader
"Your Inclusion conference was truly informative. I really enjoyed it and learned a lot. Bringing all of those leaders together who do such important work was a brilliant idea and quite a task. I am so glad that you thought to include me!"
- Danny Simmons, Co-Founder Def Poetry Jam, Founder and Vice Chairman Rush Philanthropic Arts Foundation
"Everyone Matters." Inclusion means that all learning is equal and children learn together in the same environment. It is largely premised on the learning methodology of educating children of all abilities in the same classroom environment. Also known as, ”full inclusion”, this concept is encouraged by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) by the provision that disabled children should be educated in the “least restrictive environment” possible. As a result, if a disabled child can effectively learn in a regular classroom environment, he or she should study there. Source: Education.com; See Also PBS.org for principles of inclusion.
Inclusion Chart:(pictured above)
Question:What percentage of students with disabilities are educated in regular classrooms?
Response:The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), enacted in 1975, mandates that children and youth ages 3–21 with disabilities be provided a free and appropriate public school education. In fall 2013, some 95 percent of 6- to 21-year-old students with disabilities were served in regular schools (general education classrooms); 3 percent were served in a separate school for students with disabilities; 1 percent were placed in regular private schools by their parents; and less than 1 percent each were served in one of the following environments: in a separate residential facility, homebound or in a hospital, or in a correctional facility. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. (2016). Digest of Education Statistics, 2015 (NCES 2016-014), Chapter 2.
Is Your Child’s School Inclusive?
An inclusion classroom works best when teachers and staff are trained and supported in inclusive practice. Parents should arrange to speak with the principal, meet the teacher and tour the school prior to their child’s placement in order to determine the level of inclusion of special needs children in school life.
Parents can:
Walk Around the School – Is student work displayed and celebrated? Are all children able to access the library, gymnasium, lunchroom and computer room? Where will your child go for support services if required?
Visit Classroom – Are desks, materials, books, and learning manipulative(s) arranged to facilitate cooperation, group learning and student movement around the class?
Look at Playground –What options are there for physically disabled children to use the playground? Is the playground easy to access? Talk to Classroom Teacher – Find out where your child will sit, how your child will be included in class routines and activities, and how much support the child have from a paraprofessional.
What is the Best Placement for My Child?
In the United States, there are a variety of settings in which Special Education can be delivered. In general, students with special needs can be placed in self-contained inclusive classroom is also designed to meet the educational needs of ALL learners.
Source: Nicole Eredics, Theblogspot.com
COVID-19: Remember to practice social distancing, masking, covering coughs and sneezes and regular hand washing and hand sanitizing for everyone..
Federal Disability and Special Education Laws IDEA:
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the Individual with Disabilities Education Act, is our nation’s special education law. The IDEA guides how states, school districts, and public agencies provide early intervention, special education and related services to more than 6.5 million eligible infants, toddlers, children and IDEA—the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, is our nation’s special education law.
The IDEA guides how states, school districts, and public agencies provide early intervention, special education and related services to more than 6.5 million eligible infants, toddlers, children and youth with disabilities.NCLB—No Child Left Behind ActThe No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act, Public Law (PL) 107-110, is the nation’s latest general education law. It amends the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) and has brought sweeping changes to our educational systems.
What does the law require, what does it change about education, how are states responding, and what does the law mean for children with disabilities? Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Before there was IDEA, there was the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability. Section 504 of this Act continues to play an important role in education, especially for students with disabilities who may not qualify for special education services under IDEA.
Information Source: www.NICHY.com
Check out this great inclusion works events video
We love our customers, so feel free to contact during normal business hours.
One Pierrepont Plaza, 300 Cadman Plz W, 12th Fl., Brooklyn, New York 11201, United States
Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm
Saturday: By appointment
Sunday: Closed
New Jersey Office Montclair, NJ 07043
New York (Brooklyn Heights) Office: 137 Montague Street, Suite 139 Brooklyn, NY 11201.
Email: info@inclusionworksinc.com
visit us: www.inclusionworks.us
For Partnerships & Donations: kwilliams@inclusionworksinc.com
Thank you so much for visiting us!
Copyright 2017 - Inclusion Works Foundation, a 501 (c)(3) Non-profit educational public charity.
All rights reserved. No part may be reproduced without permission. To obtain permission contact info@inclusionworksinc.com.